Signals on the Move.

We are a group of Radio Amateurs who enjoy restoring and using vintage radio gear. We like the challenge of acquiring, repairing, and operating equipment that otherwise would be on its way to a landfill. Many of our group live on the North side of Kansas City and our old rigs tend to drift, thus the name Northland Drifters.

Join us most every morning and evening on 28.325MHz USB. This web page documents repair and restoration projects by members of this small group.

Vintage "Junk" or "Treasure" ?

Our small group has been putting "junk" on the air for several years now. We treasure old Heathkit, Drake, Kenwood, Knight kits, Eico, Johnson, Tempo, Yaesu and anything with tubes in the finals. Vintage Radios and Amplifiers from about 1950 through the mid 80s are our preferred projects.

Join us on the Albuquerque Boat Anchor Radio Net on Thursday nights 8:00 PM central on 7.202.5MHz. Net Control is Ken KO5Y.

Where the thrill of making a good contact has given way to the amazement of getting the rig to work at all!

You do not need to have a tube rig to join us, just have something vintage or an interest in acquiring vintage type gear. We operate mostly SSB, and some AM to celebrate the vintage radios of the past.

See what we are working on this month, and keep your hand on the dial as we wander about. It's all about having fun with vintage equipment.

Always wanted a "Boat Anchor" but didn't know which one to pick. Take a look at N8FVJ's "Tube Type HF Transceivers Buyers Guide."


The Northland-Drifters Saturday breakfasts are still going on.

We will meet at the Liberty HyVee'

at 7:30 am starting 2-15-2025

Come join us this Saturday

Also join us on 28.325 USB every morning with a cast of talented Extras.



Vintage Nets

20 Meter Sunday Boat Anchor Nets.

Kenwood Hybrid Net 14316 Sun 1800GMT WB0IQK/Mark

Vintage Sideband Net 14293 Sun 1900GMT TX/K5LYN/Lynn

Collins User Net 14263 Sun 2000GMT CA/KW6KW/Sandy

New Heathkit Net 14293 Sun 2030GMT CA/WB6LRG/Don

Swan User Net 14292 Sun 2100GMT CA/WB6MWL/Jay

Clay County 10 meter Net

The Clay County Amateur Radio Club has an informal 10 Meter net every Tuesday evening at 7:30 pm CST on 28.325 MHz.

Listen for WNØNNM (Duane)



Restoration / Repair Projects

Henry Amplifier

Henry 2K Repair by KC5RT and WSØB ....Updated (01/10/2014)


Inside the bargain NCL 2000 Amplifier

by KC5RT

NCL 2000 Screen Grid Protection.


Inside the Henry 4K

Disassembly Instructions

By Thomas NE7X


Southern California Area Henry Repair

Barry Fitchew - N6VOH
Henry - Ameritron - Heath Repair

Henry Amplifier Projects and Info

Great News the Henry Info Site is back up thanks to N3XKB.


My "New" Henry Amplifier 2KD-3 by Mike N5RXP

Henry 2KD-5 desktop refurbishment by KA1VE

Henry Radio Amplifier History Page

Information on where to obtain HENRY transformers

Old Projects that never die.

The KW 2000B by KC5RT

SB220 by NØXB

TS511S by KC5RT

Galaxy 300 by NEØX

HW101 Project by KC5RT

Siltronix 1011C by KC5RT

SB 1000 restoration by KØPSA






If you live in the KC area and you're new to HAM radio here are some points of interest.

Larry's List has moved to groups.
Please and for your email messages to Larry, W0AIB.

Larry's List is a platform for the dissemination of information which is of interest to those interested in Ham Radio. Larrys List on consists of two lists the first contains news, information and requests related to Ham Radio and is a moderated list. Group moderators will review your submission and revise as needed to correct spelling, grammar and overall readability prior to being sent to list subscribers.
The second list is an unmoderated listed for buying and selling.

Email your post to

Associated Radio: Kansas City's only Ham Radio "Candy Store".

WBØW, Inc. was founded by Gaylen Pearson (WBØW) in 1985. They sell all kinds of antenna related items and attend many Hamfest annually. They also operate a full time mail order business in St. Joseph, MO. Call 1-800-626-0834 or 1-816-364-2692 or E-Mail:

Ararat Shrine ARC Hambash is our largest HAM Fest in the KC area. Details to be announced soon. 2-13-2025.

If you are wondering where all the 2 meter activity is, try 145.130 MHz. / PL tone 151.4. Ararat Shrine repeater, EchoLink enabled, WAØNQA-R.

The Clay County ARC has a 2 meter fm net on Wendesday nights on 146.790 MHz / PL tone 107.2 at 7:30 pm.

There is a 2 meter SSB net on Fridays at 7:30pm on 144.250 MHz.

The Schulman Auction Service: Vintage and newer ham radio gear for sale at auction! Nationwide Shipping. Follow the link below for more information and to view the latest scheduled auction catalog, register and bid. There will be several more Auctions this year 2025. No shipping with local KC area pick-up.


Website Maintained By KC5RT Copyright © 2019 All Rights Reserved. (Updated (02/13.2025)

To add content to this web site or if you have any questions please direct all to: